About FOT-Net
The FOT-Net project aims to gather European and international stakeholders in a strategic networking platform to present results of Field Operational Tests (FOTs), identify and discuss common working items and promote a common approach for FOTs- the FESTA methodology. FOT-Net is a Specific Support Action funded by the European Commission DG Information Society and Media under the Seventh Framework Programme.
Download the project leaflet: .pdf (883.4 KB)
The project is coordinated by partners from
- Associations: ERTICO-ITS Europe, Fédération Internationale de L’Automobile (FIA), Polis, ASFA
- Public authorities: Rijkswaterstaat
- Universities: Chalmers University of Technology, University of Leeds, IKA
- Research centres: CTAG, TNO, Fraunhofer Institute, BAST
- Vehicle manufacturers: Volvo Cars, CRF, Renault
Duration: 36 months, starting on 1 January 2011.
Total cost: €1.4 Million
Contact the FOT-Net Team:
Gothenburg (Sweden), 4-6 September 2013
Versailles, 23 September - The seminar will be focused on both the achievements and lessons learned from the experiences of a variety of FOTs and on the way in which these experiences can be shared and used in the future.
Tokyo, 13 October 2013 - The International Task Force on Vehicle-Highway Automation will hold its 17th annual meeting on 13 October 2013 in Tokyo. The meeting will be held at the Headquarters of ALPS, parent company of Alpine Electronics and will occur just prior to the opening of the ITS World Congress.
More about our events
The Joint FOT-Net UDRIVE Special Interest Session was held at the ITS European Congress 2013 on June the 5th in Dublin . The theme was Synergy between naturalistic driving studies and field operational tests.
The joint FOT-Net - ADASIS - TN-ITS Stakeholder workshop (FOT-Net 9th Stakeholders Workshop) was held in Dublin on the 4th of June 2013. The theme was Speed Alert: from research to deployment. Presentations are now online!
The FOT-Net project will organise its sixth International Workshop on Monday 14 October 2013 at the Tokyo International Forum, before the opening ceremony of the ITS World Congress in the same building.
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