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3rd FOT-Net Stakeholders Meeting on 27 January 2010 in Brussels

Register now: FOT-Net organises Third Stakeholders Workshop on Cooperative Systems FOTs
Join us in Brussels on 27 January 2010


Open to all stakeholders from public and private sectors, the FOT networking platform supported by FOT-Net provides a benchmarking overview of the socio-economic potential of ICT based functions and systems for road transport all over Europe.


All stakeholder groups that play or will play an active and relevant role in existing and future National, European and Global FOTs should be involved in this important initiative.


The FOT-Net members regularly meet at European and international workshops and seminars, to identify working items addressing common experiences and problems related to the execution and outcome of FOTs and to find common solutions. The issues discussed reflect the stakeholders’ priorities with respect to FOT activities. These meetings gather representatives of the public and private sectors directly or indirectly interested in the results of the FOT activities at national, European or international level.


We invite all stakeholders to participate at the upcoming Third Stakeholders


When? On Wednesday, 27 January 2010, 10:00 - 17:00.

Where? In Brussels, at DIAMANT BRUSSELS, Bd. Reyers, 80, 1030 Brussels.

What? The workshop’s objectives are to:

  • Understand stakeholders’ expectations to regards to cooperative systems FOTs.
  • Contribute to the networking for cooperative systems FOTs.
  • Review current state of the art and FOT activities on cooperative systems.


Representatives of cooperative systems stakeholder’s groups will be given the opportunity to present and compare their experiences and expectations of FOTs.


A draft agenda is already available:  .pdf (179.9 KB)


To register to this event, click here


To access the event venue :  .pdf (197.7 KB)


For more information please contact

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3rd FOT-Net Stakeholders Meeting on 27 January 2010 in Brussels

The upcoming FOT-Net Third Stakeholders Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 27 January 2010, in Brussels, at DIAMANT BRUSSELS conference center. The workshop’s objectives are to understand stakeholders’ expectations to regards to cooperative systems FOTs; contribute to the networking for cooperative systems FOTs; and review current state of the art and FOT activities on cooperative systems.

FOT-Net seminar on Cooperative Systems FOTs - March 24, Amsterdam

The next FOT-Net seminar on Issues in Evaluation of FOTs of Cooperative Systems will take place on 24 March 2010 in Amsterdam (RAI). This event is organised in parallel with Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010 and the Cooperative Mobility Conference 2010.

Cooperative mobility showcase - Amsterdam, March 2010

The Cooperative Mobility Showcase on 23-26 March 2010 will feature the final results of three European integrated projects CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS. The place to be for all stakeholders in the upcoming European FOTs on cooperative systems.

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On November, 9 2009 TeleFOT organised its First General Stakeholder Forum on Aftermarket Nomadic Devices in Field Operational Tests. Newsflash and presentations now available!

Definition of incidents in FOTs - presentations now available!

Four presentations at a recent conference in Leeds addressed the question of how to define incidents in FOTs, looking at it from different angles, using different methods ranging from observation to automatic detection.

FOT sessions at ITS Stockholm - presentations available!

Presentations from the FOT sessions 'SIS30 – International cooperation areas for Field Operational Tests' and 'SIS29 – European large-scale Field Operational Tests on active safety systems (euroFOT and TeleFOT): first results' are now available.

 More news

FOT-Net is a support action funded by the European Commission DG Information Society
and Media under the Seventh Framework Programme for R&D