FOT-Net seminars
On October 23rd and 24th, the first two FOT-Net seminars were held in hotel Bloom in Brussels. This resulted in two very successful days with about 30 participants, interesting lectures by various speakers, and interactive working sessions. The participants were able to obtain a lot of information and to exchange experiences with each other. Under here you can find the program and links to the presentations that were given.
Click here for the full report
The 11th eSafety Forum Plenary meeting will be held on 23 March 2009 in Brussels.
The next Stakeholder meeting will take place in Brussels on 24 March 2009 (place to be confirmed).
The 11th Technical Congress of VDA – the Association of German automotive industry – will be held on 25-26 March in Wolfsburg, Germany.
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The Netherlands have started with a large-scale operational test for several collision avoidance systems as well as a registration system for trucks. A total of 2550 trucks will make use of these systems for a period of eight months.
Under the ICT priority of the Seventh Framework Programme, a call is currently open for the objective on ‘ICT for safety and energy efficiency in mobility’.
The Action Plan for the Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Europe aims at accelerating and coordinating the deployment of ITS in road transport.
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