SAFER – vehicle and traffic safety centre at Chalmers is a joint research unit (JRU) that aims to find new solutions and improved systems for increased traffic safety. SAFER spans a broad base, covering several disciplines and encompassing vehicle and traffic safety in real environment. Research is conducted in four areas: Pre-crash, Crash, Post-crash and Integrated Safety. Chalmers University of Technology hosts the centre. Research partners include trade and industry (automotive, telecom, insurance), academy (technical, medical, behavioural sciences) and the public sector (road administration, institutes, etc).
Chalmers has a long tradition of collaboration in industrial research. Sweden has systematically accumulated expertise in the field of traffic safety. This provides SAFER with access to multi-disciplinary expertise and several established test facilities for both real and simulated testing. 213 researchers (PhD-students, post docs, senior scientists and engineers, professors) are presently involved.
SAFER has been heavily involved in naturalistic FOTs and NDS since 2006, starting with the initiative TSSFOT (2006-2007) followed by the national SeMiFOT (2008-2009) and including FESTA (2007-2008), euroFOT (2008-2012), where SAFERs partners Chalmers, Volvo Cars and AB Volvo had leading roles, Drive C2X and UDRIVE, where SAFER host the central data center for the project and thereby is involved in all data sharing in the project.
SAFER was awarded one out of four analysis projects within the SHRP2 S08 analysis. In addition, SAFER is involving experienced US researchers at UMTRI and at University of Wisconsin.