09:30 |
Coffee and registration |
10:00 |
Meeting objectives |
Juhani Jaaskelainen, European Commission |
12:00 |
Session 1 – Interoperability of Cooperative Systems and feedback to standards
- What are the activities that we should put in place in order to ensure interoperability? Plugtest? Bilateral cooperation?
- What is the level of interoperability needed in EU projects/in FOT test sites?
Moderator: François Fischer, ERTICO – ITS Europe, COMeSafety2, DRIVE C2x
10:10 |
DRIVE C2X Reference system |
Long Le, NEC, DRIVE C2X |
.pdf(391.6 KB)
10:20 |
FOTsis Reference system |
Federico García-Linares, OHL Concesiones, S.A., FOTsis |
.pdf(121.5 KB)
10:30 |
The PRESERVE V2X Security Subsystem and Opportunities for Joint Testing |
Frank Kargl, University of Twente, PRESERVE |
.pdf(147 KB)
10:40 |
IPv6 implementation of ETSI/ISO‘s ITS station reference architecture |
Thierry Ernst, INRIA, ITSSv6 |
.pdf(3.8 MB)
10:50 |
Report on Plugtest and future activities |
Long Le, NEC, DRIVE C2X |
.pdf(411.9 KB)
11:00 |
EU-US convergence |
Gérard Segarra, Renault, COMeSafety2 |
.pdf(240.9 KB)
11:10 |
Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F |
Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA |
.pdf(360.3 KB)
Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F |
.pdf(259.5 KB)
11:20 |
Discussion & Conclusions |
.pdf(124.8 KB)
12:00 |
Break |
Session 2 – Data Sharing
- Can we agree on general principles for sharing data? Between FOTs? Between EU and US?
- Are there legal and ethical issues related to data sharing of CS FOTs? (As compared to ADAS FOTs)
- What are the necessary elements to put in place in order to really achieve practical data sharing?
Moderator: Helena Gellerman, SAFER/Chalmers, FOT-Net |
12:00 |
Data sharing principles / Conclusions |
Helena Gellerman, SAFER/Chalmers, FOT-Net |
.pdf(512.3 KB)
12:10 |
Data flow and sharing within and outside DRIVE C2X |
Thomas Benz, PTV, DRIVE C2X |
.pdf(24.5 KB)
12:20 |
Data flow and sharing within and outside FOTsis |
Enrique Gómez, SICE, FOTsis |
.pdf(79.7 KB)
12:30 |
Report on the EU-US Task force activities |
Wolfgang Höfs, European Commission |
.pdf(153.7 KB)
12:40 |
Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F |
Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA |
.pdf(309.1 KB)
Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F |
.pdf(388.8 KB)
12:50 |
Discussion & Conclusions |
14:00 |
Lunch |
Session 3 – Dissemination of Cooperative Systems’ benefits through cooperation between FOTs at EU and international level
- Is there a possibility to jointly disseminate the results of the FOTs? How much can be done jointly?
- Could this also be done at EU-US level? At national level?
- Should we already plan today what we can disseminate jointly once the results are available?
Moderator: Maxime Flament, ERTICO – ITS Europe, FOT-Net |
14:00 |
Ideas for joint dissemination of results from DRIVE C2X’s point of view |
Tanja Kessel, EICT, DRIVE C2X |
.pdf(80.4 KB)
14:10 |
Ideas for joint dissemination of results from FOTsis’ point of view |
Irene Fusco, ERF, FOTsis |
.pdf(70.5 KB)
14:20 |
Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F |
Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA
— |
Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F |
.pdf(249.7 KB)
14:30 |
Discussion & Conclusions |
.pdf(114.6 KB)
15:00 |
Break |
16:10 |
Session 4 – Deployment prospects
- How do different projects plan to bring their results to real deployment?
- How do different projects plan to turn their results into deployment?
Moderator: Paul Kompfner, ERTICO – ITS Europe, COMeSafety2 |
15:10 |
Tanja Kessel, EICT, DRIVE C2X |
.pdf(52.4 KB)
15:20 |
FOTsis |
Miguel Seisdedos, Iridium, FOTsis |
.pdf(94 KB)
15:30 |
Frank Kargl, University of Twente, PRESERVE |
.pdf(115.3 KB)
15:40 |
ITSSv6 |
Thierry Ernst, INRIA, ITSSv6 |
— |
15:50 |
Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F |
Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA
Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F
.pdf(223 KB)
16:00 |
Discussion & Conclusions |
.pdf(104.5 KB) |
16:20 |
Closing remarks and next steps |
Wolfgang Höfs, European Commission |
16:30 |
Adjourn |