Coordination day for Cooperative System FOTs (Seventh Stakeholders Workshop) Brussels, 25 May 2012


Friday, 25 May 2012, 09:30 – 16:30ERTICO – ITS Europe, Av. Louise 326, 1050 BrusselsClosed meeting for participants in EC-funded projects
The aim of the Coordination Day for Cooperative Systems FOTs was to provide a forum for discussion for EC-funded projects working in this domain. The workshop wasnot restricted to FOTs. Other EC-funded projects, for instance CIP Pilots, wer encouraged to attend this workshop.


More specifically, the objectives of the workshop were to build stronger cooperation between the projects, harmonise activities, discuss joint testing opportunities and map future cooperation.
Four key areas were identified for discussion:

  • Interoperability of Cooperative Systems and feedback to standards
  • Data Sharing
  • Dissemination of Cooperative Systems benefits through cooperation between FOTs at EU and international level
  • Deployment prospects

FOT-Net provided support to the EC – DG INFSO in the organisation of this workshop and serves as rapporteur.



Final agenda: pdf .pdf (238 KB)


List of participants: pdf .pdf (80.5 KB)


Workshop report: pdf .pdf (467.7 KB)



09:30 Coffee and registration
10:00 Meeting objectives Juhani Jaaskelainen, European Commission

Session 1 – Interoperability of Cooperative Systems and feedback to standards


  • What are the activities that we should put in place in order to ensure interoperability? Plugtest? Bilateral cooperation?
  • What is the level of interoperability needed in EU projects/in FOT test sites?

Moderator: François Fischer, ERTICO – ITS Europe, COMeSafety2, DRIVE C2x

10:10 DRIVE C2X Reference system Long Le, NEC, DRIVE C2X .pdf(391.6 KB)
10:20 FOTsis Reference system Federico García-Linares, OHL Concesiones, S.A., FOTsis .pdf(121.5 KB)
10:30 The PRESERVE V2X Security Subsystem and Opportunities for Joint Testing Frank Kargl, University of Twente, PRESERVE .pdf(147 KB)
10:40 IPv6 implementation of ETSI/ISO‘s ITS station reference architecture Thierry Ernst, INRIA, ITSSv6 .pdf(3.8 MB)
10:50 Report on Plugtest and future activities Long Le, NEC, DRIVE C2X .pdf(411.9 KB)
11:00 EU-US convergence Gérard Segarra, Renault, COMeSafety2 .pdf(240.9 KB)
11:10 Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA .pdf(360.3 KB)
Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F .pdf(259.5 KB)
11:20 Discussion & Conclusions  .pdf(124.8 KB)


Session 2 – Data Sharing

  • Can we agree on general principles for sharing data? Between FOTs? Between EU and US?
  • Are there legal and ethical issues related to data sharing of CS FOTs? (As compared to ADAS FOTs)
  • What are the necessary elements to put in place in order to really achieve practical data sharing?
Moderator: Helena Gellerman, SAFER/Chalmers, FOT-Net
12:00 Data sharing principles / Conclusions Helena Gellerman, SAFER/Chalmers, FOT-Net .pdf(512.3 KB)
12:10 Data flow and sharing within and outside DRIVE C2X Thomas Benz, PTV, DRIVE C2X .pdf(24.5 KB)
12:20 Data flow and sharing within and outside FOTsis Enrique Gómez, SICE, FOTsis .pdf(79.7 KB)
12:30 Report on the EU-US Task force activities Wolfgang Höfs, European Commission .pdf(153.7 KB)
12:40 Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA .pdf(309.1 KB)
Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F .pdf(388.8 KB)
12:50 Discussion & Conclusions


Session 3 – Dissemination of Cooperative Systems’ benefits through cooperation between FOTs at EU and international level

  • Is there a possibility to jointly disseminate the results of the FOTs? How much can be done jointly?
  • Could this also be done at EU-US level? At national level?
  • Should we already plan today what we can disseminate jointly once the results are available?
Moderator: Maxime Flament, ERTICO – ITS Europe, FOT-Net
14:00 Ideas for joint dissemination of results from DRIVE C2X’s point of view Tanja Kessel, EICT, DRIVE C2X .pdf(80.4 KB)
14:10 Ideas for joint dissemination of results from FOTsis’ point of view Irene Fusco, ERF, FOTsis .pdf(70.5 KB)
14:20 Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F

Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA

Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F .pdf(249.7 KB)
14:30  Discussion & Conclusions .pdf(114.6 KB)
15:00 Break
Session 4 – Deployment prospects

  • How do different projects plan to bring their results to real deployment?
  • How do different projects plan to turn their results into deployment?
Moderator: Paul Kompfner, ERTICO – ITS Europe, COMeSafety2
15:10 DRIVE C2X Tanja Kessel, EICT, DRIVE C2X .pdf(52.4 KB)
15:20 FOTsis Miguel Seisdedos, Iridium, FOTsis .pdf(94 KB)
15:30 PRESERVE Frank Kargl, University of Twente, PRESERVE .pdf(115.3 KB)
15:40 ITSSv6 Thierry Ernst, INRIA, ITSSv6
15:50 Inputs from SISCOGA, SCORE@F

Rosa Blanco, CTAG, SISCOGA
Gérard Segarra, Renault, SCORE@F

.pdf(223 KB)
16:00 Discussion & Conclusions .pdf(104.5 KB)
16:20 Closing remarks and next steps Wolfgang Höfs, European Commission
16:30 Adjourn