FOT-Net seminar: FESTA for Beginners (Pisa, 09-10 May 2012)

Special seminar for people who are new to Field Operational Tests

Pisa, 9-10 May 2012

Seminar organised in cooperation with CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications), Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.


REPORT fotnet_seminar_report_pisa


9 MAY 201211.30-12.00 Coffee and registration  
12.00-13.00 Welcome at TeCIP Introduction participantsIntroduction to FOT-Net and FESTA
  • Giancarlo Prati (TeCIP)
  • Paolo Pagano (CNIT) Introduction CNIT
  • CNIT poster 2
  • Irina Silva (ERTICO) FOT-Net-Pisa-seminar
  • Yvonne Barnard (University of Leeds) Introduction
13.00-14.15 Lunch and visit facilities
14.15-14.45 Context, function selection and use cases Stig Franzen (Chalmers University) Context function selection and use cases
  • Research questions, hypotheses and performance indicators
  • Exercise in small groups
  • Oliver Carsten and Yvonne Barnard (University of Leeds) Research questions hypotheses PI
  • Exercise_hypotheses
16.00-16.15 Coffee break  
16.15-16.45 Study design, measure, sensors and data collection Oliver Sawade (FOKUS) Study design measure sensors and data collection
16.45-17.15 FOTIP and how to use the handbook Roberto Brignolo (CRF) FOTIP and Handbook
17.15-18.00 Stories from FOTs and question time Speakers from projects
20.00 Dinner  
10 MAY 20129.00-9.30 Ethical and legal issues Yvonne Barnard (University of Leeds) legal_ethical issues
9.30-10.15 Databases and data analysis Andreas Pütz (IKA) and Rosa Blanco (CTAG) Data Analysis
10.15-10.45 Question session (all topics)
10.45-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 Analysis of research questions and hypotheses and systems and functions Small group exercise Oliver Carsten (University of Leeds) Hypothesis formulation
12.00-13.30 Lunch and visit facilities
13.30-14.30 Socio-economic impact assessment Eline Jonkers (TNO) and Tom Alkim (RWS) Socio-economic impact assessment
14.30-15.00 Questions, conclusions, wrap-up

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