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FOT-Net Data Final Event took place at the ERTICO-ITS Europe premises in Brussels, Belgium on 14th and 15th December 2016. Around 30 participants attended the two-day final event which saw interesting discussions on the FOT-Net […]


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FOT-Net Data Final Event is organized in collaboration with CARTRE project and will take place in the ERTICO premises in Brussels, Belgium on 14 and 15 December 2016. The first day of the final event […]


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FOT-Net Data organised an international workshop in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Transportation and participated in the Special Interest Session at the ITS World Congress 2016 in Melbourne Australia. Click below to download the […]


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Around 50 people attended the FOT-NET Data workshop on Data Anonymization in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 31st August and 1st September 2016. The two-day workshop was an opportunity to gain insights into different ways of anonymization […]


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Personal data such as video and GPS is collected in many FOTs and NDSs. This data contribute with essential information that e.g. enables an objective view on the driver´s behaviour during different driving scenarios and […]


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FOT-Net Data will organise an international workshop in parallel to the 23rd ITS World Congress in Melbourne and will participate in the Special Interest Session. Have a look below for more information! FOT-Net Data International Workshop “Data […]


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Do you prefer webinars or in-person events? This FOT-Net Data workshop is a mix of both! It aims to provide hands-on experience with the re-use of FOT data. We will discuss both US and European data-sets, develop […]


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The webinar “How to enable a successful data sharing and re-use process” took place on 24 May 2016 from 16:00 to 17:00 (CEST). It attracted 30 participants from Europe and the US. In this webinar, project partners […]


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Learn how to enable a successful data sharing and re-use process Looking for data about drivers, vehicles and their environment for your new research or business? Or wanting to know how to enhance the impact of […]


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FOT-Net Data will be present at this year’s ITS European Congress in Glasgow with the presentation of the paper “Anonymization of Data from Field Operational Tests” and the session SW03 “Towards a methodology for Field […]