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Interactive timeline of FOT projects now online

Creation date: 24 June 2009

FOT-Net has developed a timeline of FOT projects which gives you a unique overview of past and current FOT projects in Europe and beyond. You can filter the projects by region (Europe, US) or by systems tested (Autonomous, Cooperative, Naturalistic). By clicking on the project names or project specific timelines you will get short information about the project. For each project a link to FOT-Net's FOT Wiki is provided where you can find detailed information about the project of interest.

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Fourth SHRP 2 Safety Research Symposium

The symposium (July 23-24, 2009) will review current SHRP 2 Safety projects (including the SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study).

Connekt-congress 09 09 09

The Dutch ITS association will held its congress on 9 September, 2009. On the agenda: presentation of final results of the AOS FOT which tested several collision avoidance systems for lorries.

Second FOT-Net International Workshop

Join us in Stockholm on 21 September 2009 (before the Opening Ceremony of the ITS World Congress). Register now!

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Nissan announces new navigation system for safer, greener driving

FOT-Net associated partner Nissan implements new system after the execution of field operational tests.

Next FOT-Net seminar: How to develop a FOT

The next FOT-Net seminar will be organised on October 16, 2009 in Paris. Save the date!

Interactive timeline of FOT projects now online

The timeline presents an overview on FOT projects around the world. Click on the projects and you'll get more information in the FOT Wiki.

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FOT-Net is a support action funded by the European Commission DG Information Society
and Media under the Seventh Framework Programme for R&D