Organised during the ITS World Congress 2016 – (13 October from 11:00 to 12:30)
Companies and research organizations are developing large-scale FOTs and Pilots for automated vehicles. The open research questions to be answered by FOTs will take into account several aspects: not only the functional one but also those related to the wide societal impact. This will require the collection a massive amount of data and several issues have to be faced: data acquisition (e.g. standard format and the related attributes) and analysis have to be efficiently to support the assessment. In addition, data sharing practices should be considered to improve significance, comparability and transferability of up-coming FOT results supporting the involved stakeholders.
Capitalising on the previous experience (e.g. FESTA methodology), the proposed session aims to discuss the next challenges highlighting the research needs and possible solutions. The following questions will be discussed: How to perform data collection and analyse data? How to evaluate the impact and foster data sharing?
To participate in this session, you need to register to the ITS World Congress 2016.