Institute for Traffic Accident Research at University of Technology Dresden
VUFO has been investigating road traffic accidents involving personal injury for more than 13 years now. During this time, it has made a name for itself not only as a research institute but also as a development service provider and as an educational institution.
As a research institute, VUFO contributes towards the improvement of road safety. The accident data it collects flow directly into the further development of vehicle safety. Furthermore, through its interdisciplinary teams and its expertise in various fields, VUFO is also an excellent development service provider in the sphere of traffic accident investigation.
As an educational institution VUFO offers seminars for engineers, medical practitioners and interested members of the general public as well as for students participating in the master’s programme “Traffic Accident Research and Vehicle Safety”.
VUFO was founded in October 2005 as a spin-off of the research project “Collection of Real Accident Data” and as a subsidiary of TU Dresden AG (abbreviation: TUDAG) organised as a limited liability company (GmbH). At that time, VUFO had already been involved with the German In-Depth Accident Study (abbreviation: GIDAS) for six years.
VUFO now employs 20 researchers and 35 students from the fields of automotive engineering, transportation engineering, medicine and business management.