On the 6th of February FOT-Net organised a seminar on evaluating combinations of functions or systems. 22 participants, involved in FOTs, worked intensively to address this issue in small working groups.
From selected functions or systems interactions were established, research questions were selected and hypotheses were defined about the interactions. Performance indicators were identified to test the hypotheses.Conclusions were drawn about this activity.
Next we discussed the problem of what baseline a FOT should use. Problems coming from euroFOT and teleFOT were presented and solutions were discussed. Finally the participants formulated recommendations. The day was interesting and highly interactive. Work in the small groups of three participants, in changing combinations, was intensive.
Participants rated the sessions as good and useful. Many of them want to apply the results in their own FOT.
Although the topic of evaluating combined systems/functions is a complex one, we succeeded in coming up with ideas for approaches and recommendations to address the challenges.
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Download the presentation: .pdf (358.6 KB)
Download the presentation: .pdf (606.6 KB)