The objective of this webinar was to explain the FESTA methodology for designing and conducting Field Operational Tests, with a focus on impact assessment and socio economic cost benefit analysis.
The webinar was led by Pirkko Rämä (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) and moderated by Haibo Chen (Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds).
The impact assessment investigates the impacts of a technology on society and provides decision makers with relevant information in a concise format. Predictions of the future, particularly over the medium or long term, cannot be precise.
This argues for a scenario-based approach when developing forecasts of how future deployment of a system might turn out. This approach permits alternative scenarios to be evaluated in the cost-benefit analysis (CBA). CBA follows a four-step-process involving framework and preparatory work, measuring impacts, appraising impacts in a common monetary value and confronting the discounted society benefits with the costs of the policy measure.
Download the presentation from Pirkko Rämä
Download the presentation from Haibo Chen