FOT-Net Seminar: Interpretation and presentation of results (Aachen, 29 November 2011)

When? Tuesday, 29 November 2011, 09:00  – 17:00

Where? Aachen, Germany

On 29 November 2011 a seminar on Interpretation and Presentation of Results took place in Aachen Germany. This seminar was organised in collaboration with Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge (ika) at RWTH Aachen University.

The report can be downloaded from here


Agenda  .pdf (101.1 KB)
List of Participants  .pdf (69.9 KB)
Report  .pdf (37.7 KB)
Introduction Adrian Zlocki, IKA .pdf(431.9 KB)
How do you take into account the impact question from the beginning of a project? Barbara Metz, University of Wuerzburg  .pdf(1.5 MB)
Interpretation of results

  • which impacts are or will be investigated and why?
  • which stakeholders were involved and which were not in the research questions?
  • who is the target group?
  • lessons learnt


Presentation from FOTs:

  • euroFOT
  • Lancashire ISA
  • TeleFOT
  • Drive-C2X
Freek Faber, TNO  .pdf(633.7 KB)
Frank Lai, University of Leeds .pdf(231.6 KB)
Pontus Engelbrektsson, Chalmers University .pdf(1.6 MB)
Ruth Welsh, University of Loughborough  .pdf(435.9 KB)
Pirkko Rämä, VTT  .pdf(302.7 KB)
Exercise on presenting negative and positive outcomes of a FOT Eline Jonkers, TNO  .pdf(334.2 KB)
Experiences and good practice on dissemination and publicity

  • Introduction
  • The Freilot approach
  • From FOT to implementation strategies: getting public, authority and stakeholders’ awareness of ISA

Small group exercise: drafting a press release on an outcome of a FOT


Lessons learned and recommendations


Irina Silva, ERTICO – ITS Europe .pdf(360.6 KB)
Zeljko Jeftic, ERTICO – ITS Europe .pdf(400.6 KB)
Sven Vlassenroot, University of Ghent .pdf(274.6 KB)
Conclusions and wrap-up Yvonne Barnard, University of Leeds  .pdf(728 KB)