Legal and Ethical Issues

Working group leader:

Eike Schmidt, BASt, 


FIA legal representatives, BASt legal experts

 Activities, planning, results, meetings:





Result (milestone)

1. Formulation and compilation of relevant legal and ethical issues BASt legal experts End of December 2011 Desktop work
2. Distribution among legal representatives  FIA  End of January 2012 Contact at regular meeting in Brussels
3. Work on the questionnaire and return to BASt  FIA legal representatives  End of March 2012  Desktop work Summary descriptions of the legal and ethical situation in responding FIA Member States
4. Evaluation and summary of FIA legal representatives responses  BASt legal experts End of August 2012  Desktop work Document
5. Presentation of Intermediate Report at Stakeholders Workshop WG leader or BASt legal expert  February 2013  PPT pdfLegal and Ethical Issues Intermediate Report
6. Revision of the document based on the results of the discussion at Stakeholder workshop
(if needed)
 BASt legal experts  October 2013  Desktop work Revised document
Milestone (M34)

Download the WG Description