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A debate on Automated Driving hosted by Christofer Fjellner, Member of the European Parliament will take place on the 25th of June at 13:00-14:00 at the European Parliament, Brussels: room PHS7C050. Programme: 12:30 […]


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To begin the process of implementing SHRP 2 products into practice, the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials-with support from the Transportation Research Board-developed a three-year concept plan […]

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The United States and the European Union (EU) are working together to foster international connected vehicle research and international harmonization of the technology and standards necessary for broad deployment of connected vehicle systems. To highlight […]


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The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has released Transforming Transportation through Connectivity: ITS Strategic Research Plan, 2010–2014 (Progress Update, 2012). This report is an update to the 2010 ITS Strategic Research Plan, which established a […]


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Introducing the new DaCoTA Road Safety Knowledge System The DaCoTA EU Project Team and the European Commission are delighted to introduce the new Road Safety Knowledge System website. We aim to make this accessible to […]


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The First Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Study off the Starting Blocks Haarlem, 4 Oct. 2012 – On 4 October, the UDRIVE project – the first large-scale European Naturalistic Driving Study on cars, trucks and powered-two wheelers […]


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Topics of the current issue are: • Script-based field operational test • Simulated stress test • No false report • simTD starts its […]


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Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Research and Innovative Technology Administration August 21, 2012 ANN ARBOR, Michigan – Nearly 3.000 cars, trucks and buses equipped with “connected” Wi-Fi technology to enable vehicles and infrastructure to […]


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The 3rd newsletter of the COMeSafety2 project can be downloaded by clicking here. Further information on the project can be found at: www.comesafety.org


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To access the complete SHRP 2 report with reference S2-S01A-RW-1, please open the following document: .pdf (6.7 MB).