TeleFOT Stakeholder Forum on nomadic devices held in November
Creation date: 11 January 2010
Today there is an increasing need to move and stay always connected: with other people, for business or leisure, as well as with the environment, to exchange relevant information for our mobility. The number of devices supporting transportation is increasing. In particular, the market penetration of aftermarket nomadic devices as personal navigation devices (PND) or smart phones is growing exponentially according to the market trends.
Their use is carefully studied in laboratories before getting to the market and many research projects have successfully developed and demonstrated a wide number of transport applications.
But there is still uncertainty on what really happens when such devices are inserted in real world conditions: to know how the driver uses a system and what are the short and long term effects are crucial issues.
The TeleFOT project aims to test the impacts of driver support functions on the driving task with large fleets of test drivers in real-life driving conditions. One of TeleFOT's tasks is to foster discussion among stakeholders on how Field Operational Tests can support the future of sustainable mobility, taking into account the focus, objectives and orientations of the tests which will be conducted.
In November 2009, TeleFOT organised the First TeleFOT General Stakeholder Forum in order to support sharing and active cooperation towards common solutions.
To learn more about this event, read the TeleFOT newsflash.
Presentations are available here.
The upcoming FOT-Net Third Stakeholders Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 27 January 2010, in Brussels, at DIAMANT BRUSSELS conference center. The workshop’s objectives are to understand stakeholders’ expectations to regards to cooperative systems FOTs; contribute to the networking for cooperative systems FOTs; and review current state of the art and FOT activities on cooperative systems.
The next FOT-Net seminar on Issues in Evaluation of FOTs of Cooperative Systems will take place on 24 March 2010 in Amsterdam (RAI). This event is organised in parallel with Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010 and the Cooperative Mobility Conference 2010.
The Cooperative Mobility Showcase on 23-26 March 2010 will feature the final results of three European integrated projects CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS. The place to be for all stakeholders in the upcoming European FOTs on cooperative systems.
More about our events
On November, 9 2009 TeleFOT organised its First General Stakeholder Forum on Aftermarket Nomadic Devices in Field Operational Tests. Newsflash and presentations now available!
Four presentations at a recent conference in Leeds addressed the question of how to define incidents in FOTs, looking at it from different angles, using different methods ranging from observation to automatic detection.
Presentations from the FOT sessions 'SIS30 – International cooperation areas for Field Operational Tests' and 'SIS29 – European large-scale Field Operational Tests on active safety systems (euroFOT and TeleFOT): first results' are now available.
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