Loughborough University, Transport Safety Research Centre
The objectives of the Loughborough University Behavioural Safety Research Group focus upon conducting research into understanding accident causation, mitigating the effects of traffic accidents and understanding the influence of design on behavioural safety. The Research Group conducts research across a broad range of subjects for Government, Industry and European Commission whilst supporting individual research projects with post-graduate students. Research is conducted into the causes of accidents and injuries, measures for the effectiveness of safety and mobility technologies and many of the research outputs from the Research Group provide the evidence base for policy development. This includes research into the performance of vehicle safety systems, the relationship between highway characteristics and accident causation, the impacts of accidents on health and the influences of driver behaviour on safety and mobility.
The Research Group was involved in the PROLOGUE consortium and is currently a full partner in the UDRIVE project. The Group were also a partner in the TeleFOT project and were responsible for leading the Impact Analysis sub-project as well as hosting a large-scale FOT in the UK. The Research Group has a sound reputation in applied and basic research using the skills in the research team and the results are published widely as reports and journal papers – we strive for research excellence. The aim of the Research Group is that the research that we conduct has a positive impact on safety policy, transport design, safety management systems and health service provision to ultimately protect road transport users from injury.