FOT-Net seminar: How to develop a FOT (Paris, 16 October 2009)


The FOT-Net seminar ‘How to develop a FOT’ took place in Paris on October 16th 2009. Report and presentations are now available for download.

– Report .pdf (44.3 KB)

– Presentation Kerry Malone: theory stakeholder analysis .pdf (386.4 KB)

– Presentation Wil Botman: case stakeholder analysis .pdf (428.5 KB)

– Presentation Jean-François Janin: policy maker’s view .pdf (233.6 KB)

– Presentation Isabelle Dussutour: project leader’s view .pdf (1.2 MB)

– Presentation Maarten Lörtzer: how to generate impact via the media .pdf (308.1 KB)


Maarten Lörtzer showed some movies in his presentation, here are the links to the movies:

– Movie Showcase PreVENT project
– Movie ITS in de fifties
Do not hesitate to contact  for any information.