FOT-Net Data Final Event took place at the ERTICO-ITS Europe premises in Brussels, Belgium on 14th and 15th December 2016.
Around 30 participants attended the two-day final event which saw interesting discussions on the FOT-Net Data results and the continuation of the project in CARTRE.
FOT-Net Data Final Event – 14-15 December 2016
Day 1
The first day focused on the results of FOT-Net Data and included presentations on the Data Sharing Framework (DSF), Data Catalogue, FESTA methodology revision etc. Several external presentations were given on the lessons learnt from implementation of the DSF, including European projects such as UDRIVE, Big Data Europe, Cloud LSVA but also the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study and hte Danish ITS Platform.
The discussion mainly focused on the status of Data Sharing in upcoming tests.
Day 2
Second day of the final event introduced FOT-Net Data continuation in CARTRE project. CARTRE activities and collaboration were presented and how FOT-Net can contribute. Discussions were focused on automated driving pilots results and data.
Click here to view the final agenda.
The presentations of the final event are available in the library.